European Union / EU Training

EU Training

SOM develops EU trainings meeting the needs of Turkish organizations and citizens in the EU accession process. These thematic or general trainings are designed according to the specific needs of the participants. These trainings and their rough contents are as follows:

  • EU Grants Training: Political background, development of programmes, launching of project calls, harmonization with the EU via projects, project life cycle and project administrative and financial management

  • General- Project Proposal Preparation, Application and Project Management Training: Following call for proposals and reading work programmes in the frame of Community Programmes and IPA, project idea generation, finding partners, building consortium, preparing project proposal, networking, relations with the European Commission, following the evaluation process and project administrative and financial management.

  • Culture and Art- Project Proposal Preparation, Application and Project Management Training: Following call for proposals and reading work programmes in the areas of culture and art, project idea generation, finding partners, building consortium, preparing project proposal, networking, relations with the European Commission and related institutions, following the evaluation process and project administrative and financial management.