SOM / Aim

All divisions of SOM contribute to a common goal: to make the world a better place by bringing together all responsible stakeholders including state, private sector, NGOs and society. SOM offers a new breath to the world of projects in Turkey in collaboration with its global counterparts. SOM foresees to develop well-matched strategies for organizations and to provide right synergy for the execution of projects as well as assuring the project management. In brief, SOM aims:

  • In the short term, to increase the awareness of CSR between salient stakeholders;
  • In the long-term, foster Turkish government to set the agenda for social responsibility by the way of laws and regulation that will allow a business to conduct themselves responsibly, to expose CSR indices in Turkey as well, and to promote the importance of publishing CSR reports regularly between the companies that exist in Turkey;
  • To contribute to the enhancing of dialogue and cooperation between Turkish institutions and their European equivalents in the harmonization process to the EU and to support the participation of Turkish institutions in European Union projects;
  • To consult and support the harmonization works within the organizations in Turkey in the accession period to the EU;
  • To raise an awareness about the global problems and to contribute to the solving of these problems through projects bringing together environment, art and science;
  • To share the outputs of the academic research with the society and business world and implement them in practice.